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As the crisp September air signals the change of seasons, it's time to turn our thoughts to the bulbs we plant now for spectacular spring blooms. Among the stars of the fall bulb planting season are the ever-popular tulips, daffodils and narcissi, crocuses and unusual fall planting bulbs, but there’s another group of fall bloomers that deserves your attention—Fall Flowering Bulbs and Colchicums.
Fall Flowering Bulbs like C.speciosus, C.zonatus, C.Cartwrightianus and C.ochroleucus as well as Colchicums autumnale album, Colchicum 'The Giant' and Colchicum 'Waterlily'.
If you've never planted fall flowering bulbs before, you're in for a real treat. With minimal effort, you can create an impressive display of color that will delight you year after year. There’s something magical about seeing the first shoots of spring bulbs poke through the soil, a promise of life returning after the quiet winter months. Every spring, I’m reminded just how glad I am to have taken the time in autumn to plant these bulbs. A display of tulips and daffodils, crocus and unusual spring blooming flowers are the heralds of spring and they always come at perfect timing.
Never have I ever regretted the time to plant flower bulbs in the fall for this uplifting display of flowers in the spring. Give it a try, you won't regret it either.
But there are also some other super interesting flower bulbs that really don't get enough attention. Fall flowering Crocus and Colchicums. After you have planted them and experienced their blooms in the fall you will question how you lived without them for so long!
Colchicums are often called "autumn crocuses," though they belong to a different plant family. These charming bulbs offer a fascinating surprise—while most of the regular fall bulbs lie dormant through the winter to bloom in spring, Colchicums send up their delicate, crocus-like flowers in the fall, just when many other plants are starting to fade.
Here’s the best part—Colchicums are incredibly easy to grow. Simply plant them in a sunny to partially shaded spot with well-draining soil, and they’ll take care of the rest. You don’t even have to water them after planting, as autumn rains usually does the job for you. Once they settle in, they’ll bloom year after year without fuss.
This is what happened in my garden and every year I am happy to see them popping out of the ground to say hello.
Fall flowering bulbs, like Colchicums, come in a range of hues, from bright whites and pinks to deep purples. These colours can stand out beautifully in the garden when most other blooms have long since faded. Their unique timing gives your garden an unexpected splash of colour just as the leaves start to turn.
Pairing Colchicums with spring bulbs ensures a continuous display of colour, giving your garden layers of beauty from fall through spring. In addition, their foliage emerges in spring, creating lush green leaves that can complement your tulips and daffodils.
One of the most rewarding aspects of fall bulbs is their perennial nature. Once you’ve planted them, they come back year after year with minimal maintenance. Every spring, I’m reminded that the time spent planting bulbs in fall was well worth the effort. Whether it’s the cheerful faces of crocuses or the regal spires of alliums, the early burst of life is a joy after the long winter. Oh how I love it when these happy cheerful flowers show up and help me to move forward into a long anticipated spring and summer!
Here are some tips for planting Fall Bulbs:
Fall flowering bulbs, like Colchicums, come in a range of hues, from bright whites and pinks to deep purples. These colours can stand out beautifully in the garden when most other blooms have long since faded. Their unique timing gives your garden an unexpected splash of colour just as the leaves start to turn.
Pairing Colchicums with spring bulbs ensures a continuous display of colour, giving your garden layers of beauty from fall through spring. In addition, their foliage emerges in spring, creating lush green leaves that can complement your tulips and daffodils.
One of the most rewarding aspects of fall bulbs is their perennial nature. Once you’ve planted them, they come back year after year with minimal maintenance. Every spring, I’m reminded that the time spent planting bulbs in fall was well worth the effort. Whether it’s the cheerful faces of crocuses or the regal spires of alliums, the early burst of life is a joy after the long winter. Oh how I love it when these happy cheerful flowers show up and help me to move forward into a long anticipated spring and summer!
Here are some tips for planting Fall Bulbs:
1. Timing is everything: Plant bulbs once the weather cools down, but before the ground freezes. September through November even early December in some areas is prime time.
2. Plant deep enough: Generally, bulbs should be planted two to three times as deep as their size. For example, a 2-inch tall bulb should be planted 4-6 inches deep.
3. Water and Mulch: Give your newly planted bulbs a good drink of water and add a layer of mulch to help insulate them through winter.
Whether you're planting Colchicums or other flowering bulbs, your future self will thank you with a garden full of life and colour. So, grab those bulbs and dig in now for a gorgeous show!