Asiatic Lilies

Asiatic Lilies are by far the most abundant group of lilies available. 

Flowers are large and open flat to produce a wide, showy bowl of colour. Bonus - if you’re sensitive to scent you can enjoy these lilies because they are fragrance free!

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Forever Susan Asiatic Lily Forever Susan Asiatic Lily

Forever Susan Asiatic Lily

Forever Susan is bound to become a forever favourite - just look at those rich colours. Are you looking for a lighter fragrance when it comes to your lily garden?...
Landini Asiatic Lily

Landini Asiatic Lily

This is the darkest Asiatic Lily on the market and it looks amazing planted on its own or in among some Levi lilies for a bit of fun! Are you...
Levi Asiatic Lily

Levi Asiatic Lily

Levi's broad white petals look as though they've been individually dipped in pink candy. So pretty! Are you looking for a lighter fragrance when it comes to your lily garden?...