Perennials R-V

From Rudbeckia to Veronica, our R-V selection of Perennials is an eclectic collection of hardy plants.

They include gardener's favourites that can often withstand the rigours of Mother Nature be it drought or shade.

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Rudbeckia 'Herbstsonne' Rudbeckia 'Herbstsonne'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Rudbeckia 'Herbstsonne'

This classic perennial is a favourite of gardeners, pollinators and birds. The sunny yellow blooms are so cheerful and the blooms last well in to the autumn season providing much...
$36.75 $24.97
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm'

Plant drifts of 'Goldsturm' in every sunny spot, pots included, and then when summer is ending and colour is scarce in the garden, they will give you a sea full...
$20.95 $13.97
Salvia nemorosa 'Rose Marvel' Salvia nemorosa 'Rose Marvel'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Salvia nemorosa 'Rose Marvel'

The ultra-large flowers of this salvia hybrid will be irresistible to hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators. Remove faded flowers and water a little to keep the blooms coming well into...
Sanguinaria canadensis Sanguinaria canadensis
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Sanguinaria canadensis

This delightful North American woodland flower is one of the first to bloom in early spring providing much-needed pollen for all types of bees and beneficial insects.  The lush leaves...
Sanguisorba obtusa
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Sanguisorba obtusa

Bottle Brush is so much fun to grow and the fluffy pink flowers are simply adorable. It prefers a moist, well-draining spot in the garden. Perfect for the cottage or...
Saponaria ocymoides Saponaria ocymoides
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Saponaria ocymoides

Saponaria ocymoides, commonly known as the creeping or trailing soapwort, is a charming perennial plant. It is native to the mountainous regions of Europe, particularly the Mediterranean. This low-growing, mat-forming...
Sedum 'Atlantis'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Sedum 'Atlantis'

Limited Supply! This is such a fancy-pants Sedum that we just couldn't resist. The variegated foliage topped with bright yellow blooms are a head-turning delight. Sedums are tough, drought tolerant,...
Sedum 'Thunderhead'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Sedum 'Thunderhead'

Limited Supply! Not only is 'Thunderhead' taller than most sedums it also offers spectacular colour and impressively thick foliage and stems. Sedums are tough, drought tolerant, easy-to-grow perennials that feature...
Sedum Sunsparkler 'Lime Zinger'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Sedum Sunsparkler 'Lime Zinger'

'Lime Zinger' is a gorgeous, drought-tolerant, quick-spreading, lime coloured trimmed in red Sedum. A zinger indeed! 'Lime Zinger' produces bright green, succulent leaves, edged in raspberry red and topped for...
Sedum Sunsparkler 'Wildfire'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Sedum Sunsparkler 'Wildfire'

Limited Supply! Looking for a sedum that is perfect for containers - 'Wildfire' is it! The dwarf sedum will also dazzle with its reddish-purple succulent foliage and bright pink blooms....
Stachys monieri 'Hummelo'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Stachys monieri 'Hummelo'

Perennial of the Year 2019! This easy to grow flowering perennial deserves a spot in every garden. The sturdy lavender-rose flower spikes appear early summer and continue to bloom until...
Thalictrum rochebrunianum Thalictrum rochebrunianum
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Thalictrum rochebrunianum

This tall, airy plant provides lovely foliage and late summer blooms. It is especially perfect for wildflower gardens, meadows and naturalized areas. Thalictrum rochebruneanum, commonly known as meadow rue features...
Trillium erectum
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Trillium erectum

Erectum produces a lovely wine-red flower atop a long stem. Plant Trilliums in humus rich, shady spots and enjoy them for years to come! Trillium erectum is a hardy, erect...
Trillium grandiflorum Trillium grandiflorum
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Trillium grandiflorum

Commonly known as the Great White Trillium, this eastern native is a classic woodland perennial. Lovely white flowers that mature to pink and look amazing in shady woodlands! Grandiflorum is...
Trollius 'New Moon'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Trollius 'New Moon'

'New Moon' produces large, creamy yellow flowers on strong upright stems. Good vigorous habit. In general, Globeflowers as they are commonly known, are striking perennials with ball shaped, yellow or...
Your discount is -27%
Veronica spicata 'Red Fox'
PerennialsPerennials R-V

Veronica spicata 'Red Fox'

'Red Fox' is a compact, bushy plant with spikes of tiny, deep rose-red flowers that bloom for most of the summer. 'Red Fox' is easy to grow but performs best...
$23.25 $16.97