Asiatic Kiss Lilies

These unique, pollen-free Lilies, often called Kiss Lilies, are a delight to have in cut flower arrangements and do well in containers and planted directly in the garden.

Kiss Lilies make perfect cut flowers, they are fragrance-free so allergy sufferers can enjoy them, and because they’re pollen-free there’s no need to worry about removing pollen stains from your tablecloths or clothes!

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Elodie Asiatic Kiss Lily
Asiatic KissLilies

Elodie Asiatic Kiss Lily

Candy pink layers of petals reveal a lily that is as pretty as they get. Always a sell out! This unique, pollen-free Lily, often called a Kiss Lily is a...
Fata Morgana Asiatic Kiss Lily Fata Morgana Asiatic Kiss Lily
Asiatic KissLilies

Fata Morgana Asiatic Kiss Lily

Fata Morgana's pollen free blooms are bright, butter yellow with a sprinkling of dark spots. You can expect to enjoy five to seven blooms per stem! This pollen-free Lily, often...
Red Twin Asiatic Kiss Lily
Asiatic KissLilies

Red Twin Asiatic Kiss Lily

Perfect name. Each outer layer of red petals is 'twinned' by a circular row of shorter red petals, pollen-free of course! This unique, pollen-free Lily, often called a Kiss Lily...