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Perennials, Perennials A
Aster novi-belgii 'Alert'
Bees and butterflies will flock to this flowering plant which has masses of purple flowers with golden centres. This dwarf variety is ideal for fronts of beds and containers. Michaelmas...
Perennials, Perennials A
Astilbe arendsii 'Bridal Veil'
'Bridal Veil' produces dense plumes of pure white in early summer. Pairs very well with other shade lovers such as Hostas and Dicentras. The deeply divided, nearly fern-like foliage provides...
Our Favourites-Spring, Perennials
Astilbe arendsii 'Burgundy Red'
Need to add colour and brightness to a shady area? Try out 'Burgundy Red', a top pick of Wendy's for the season that will liven up your shade garden. Astilbes...
Perennials, Perennials A
Astilbe arendsii 'Chocolate Shogun'
Limited Supply! Called a 'must-get' cultivar by one of Canada's best known garden writers, Marjorie Harris. We couldn't agree more! For those who love dark foliage, 'Chocolate Shogun' is the...
Perennials, Perennials A
Astilbe japonica 'Color Flash Lime'
We love the bright yellow leaves that mature to chartreuse green, not to mention, the bright pink flowers that are loved by the butterflies they attract! Astilbe cultivars in the...
Perennials, Perennials A
Astilbe younique 'Silvery Pink'
Silvery Pink looks like big fluffy stalks of cotton candy. You can’t eat them but they sure are sweet! The new Younique Series of Astilbes feature plants that produce an...
Perennials, Perennials A
Astrantia major 'Star of Beauty'
These lovely, intricate flowers resemble a pin cushion surrounded by a frilly collar. The burgundy and white blooms make excellent cut or dried flowers. Astrantia prefers shade or partial shade...
Perennials, Perennials A
Astrantia major 'Star of Billion'
Limited Supply! This radiant white and green variety looks fabulous in the shade when planted with the Athyrium 'Frizelliae' ferns. The foliage is very eye-catching on both and they really...
Botanus Bee Garden Collection, Botanus Garden Collections-Spring
Bee Garden Collection
SAVE 42% Do you want to help your garden grow and help the bees at the same time? It’s easy to do with our Bee Garden Collection. All of the...
Botanus Garden Collections-Spring, Our Favourites-Spring
Easy Peasy Perennial Collection
SAVE 42% No need to fuss with these foolproof performers - reliability is their middle name. This multi-variety perennial collection will steal the show this summer and for many seasons...
Perennials, Perennials A
Shady Ladies Astilbe Mix
Shady Ladies is a colourful collection of Astilbes that would love nothing more than to bring a bit of perky colour to your shade garden! Astilbes are terrific shade plants,...