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Deer oh Deer! We all love to look at deer, from a distance, but we don’t want them eating the beautiful flowers we have painstakingly planted in our gardens. This collection is so lovely, you will enjoy them whether you have deer or not. Pretty flowers that will naturalize and can be left alone to bloom for years to come.
Wendy Leroux
Deer Resistant Collection contains:
10 Eranthis cilicica
I adore these bright, cheerful flowers that appear in early spring. They're like little droplets of sunshine but completely distasteful to deer! Plant them in a spot where you're sure to see them and their cheerful appearance will let you know that spring is here!
25 Puschkinia libanotica
I absolutely adore these bright white flowers, with their periwinkle blue accents. They are small and mighty in the garden! Because the deer are not interested in them, they are free to grow, bloom and come back year after year to delight you.
10 Scilla siberica
These small blue wonder flowers look great at the front of any garden bed. To best enjoy them, plant them together in a bunch, to create a living bouquet. Deer don’t like them, but the bees sure do!
25 Chionodoxa forbesii
These small, brilliant blue ‘star’ flowers, with bright white centres, bloom very early in the spring and are commonly known as ‘Glory of the Snow’. Because the deer leave them alone, they are free to multiply with abandon as the years go by. This increases your garden enjoyment exponentially!
5 Yellow Daffodil
One can never have too many yellow daffodils in their garden! They are the gentle reminder that winter will end and an open invitation to sit and enjoy your garden space. And it’s the sticky white sap inside the stem that keep the deer away.