Belgium Double Camellia Begonias

These beautifully full Begonias will bring back memories of Grandma’s garden.

Their upright growing stems produce a wonderful display of camellia-like blooms. Blooming from late summer and well into fall.

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BegoniasBelgium Double Camellia

Orange Double Camellia Begonia

Apricot orange in colour, these begonias look great grown in pots with yellow doubles, like a large basket full of lemons and oranges side by side. Delicious! These beautifully full...
BegoniasBelgium Double Camellia

Pink Double Camellia Begonia

Pretty pink blooms are always hard to resist and even more so if they're double! These beautifully full Begonias will bring memories of Grandma’s garden to mind. Their upright growing...
BegoniasBelgium Double Camellia

Red Double Camellia Begonia

These beautiful crimson flowers look amazing when planted together with white doubles.These beautifully full Begonias will bring memories of Grandma's garden. Their upright growing stems produce a wonderful display of...
BegoniasBelgium Double Camellia

White Double Camellia Begonia

Plant with the Red Double Camellias for a 'Canadiana' look or do an all-white scheme and plant with the Fimbriata White Novelty begonias. These beautifully full Begonias will bring memories...
BegoniasBelgium Double Camellia

Yellow Double Camellia Begonia

These flowers have lemon yellow, double petals that are amazing planted with Orange Double Camellias or all by themselves. These beautifully full Begonias will bring memories of Grandma's garden. Their...