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Allium 'Globemaster'

Huge balls of purple flowers that the bees love and are exceptional for drying. Plant them at the back of the bed for a surreal ‘bowling ball in mid air’...

Allium 'Graceful Beauty'

Producing lovely 3" balls of white blooms with lavender stamens and purple anthers, Graceful Beauty has a polka-dot appearance that is irresistible. Alliums, or ornamental onions, are easy to grow...

Allium 'Hair'

The dark purple orbs explode with lime green hair and with a vase life of 20 days or more you’ll want to plant large groups of this ornamental onion to...
PerennialsPerennials A

Allium 'Little Sapphire'

Limited Supply! This delightful ornamental onion is easy to grow in the garden or in containers. It can also be used to add a unique touch to cut or dried...

Allium 'Mount Everest'

These large white, flower-filled globes stand on sturdy stems and are a great source of nectar for bees and beneficial insects. Loves well-drained soil in a sunny location. Alliums, or...

Allium 'Purple Sensation'

One of our most popular alliums, 'Purple Sensation' sports a full ball of bright purple, star-shaped flowers. Alliums, or ornamental onions, are easy to grow bulbs that are increasing in...
$14.75 $9.97

Allium 'Red Giant'

Red Giant is a unique variety offering purple globes atop shorter stems surrounded by broad green leaves. Awesome! Alliums, or ornamental onions, are easy to grow bulbs that are increasing...

Allium 'Rosy Dream'

Adorable 3"/7 cm soft pink blooms are like a bee magnet. Plant them where you can watch all the action! Alliums, or ornamental onions, are easy to grow bulbs that...

Allium 'Summer Drummer'

Such a winner! Summer Drummer has interesting purple stems that grow to 4-6' in height and are topped with very large, 8" balls of purple and white florets! Alliums, or...

Allium atropurpureum

Allium atropurpureum is a dark wine-red colour and looks amazing planted with Allium moly luteum as a ground cover, in containers or sunny beds. Alliums, or ornamental onions, are easy...

Allium azureum

This variety produces a tightly packed, Azure-blue ball of flowers. They are best planted in groups of 10 or more in containers, beds and borders. Alliums, or ornamental onions, are...

Allium bulgaricum

Planted in sunny locations with well drained soil these alliums will return year after year. The flowers hang in loose umbels of white, green and purple. Simply stunning! This particular...

Allium christophii

Huge heads of pinkish-purple, star shaped flowers that have a metallic sheen. Plant in sunny, well-drained locations and enjoy for years to come. Great in containers. Alliums, or ornamental onions,...

Allium giganteum

At 40 inches this is one of the tallest Alliums available and does best in well drained sunny locations at the back of borders and beds. Bees love these large...

Allium moly luteum

This little Allium naturalizes well and surprises every year when the grass like foliage appears and then finally gives way to a lemon yellow explosion! Plant in abundance! Alliums, or...

Allium neapolitanum

The perky white flowers are sweetly scented and grow to about 10 inches. Lovely in containers, rock gardens and anywhere there is full sun and well drained soil. Alliums, or...

Allium ostrowskianum

These deep pink flowers are fragrant and prolific in sunny well drained beds and borders. Plant them in groups of 10 or more for an eye catching focal point year...

Allium roseum

Adorable 3"/7 cm soft pink blooms are like a bee magnet. Plant them where you can watch all the action! Alliums, or ornamental onions, are easy to grow bulbs that...

Allium schubertii

This variety will stop people in their tracks. Huge globes with star shaped lilac-pink flowers that shoot out of the centre stem. Excellent fresh or dried in arrangements. Alliums, or...

Allium sphaerocephalon

The egg sized and shaped, claret coloured flower head actually starts out chartreuse green at the top of 24 inch stems. Planted en masse in a full sun border they...